General Milsurp Weapons > Milsurp Hand Guns & Sub Guns
Reichsrevolver M1883
Since we haven't had much activity in the "Show and Tell" as of late, I thought I'd kick one in wink1. This is an M1883 Reichs Commission Revolver made in 1894 at Erfurt. It fires the 10.6x25r Commission Cartridge, though the casing and diameter (.430) of the .44 Russian work perfectly. Each round I load is 21gr (by weight) of black powder with a 230gr LRN Bullet. Just as I've done with my cap and ball revolvers, I've treated the pistol with Bore Butter which helps with the fouling and preserves the finish. The holster is original, though I generally keep it in a reproduction holster. She shoots pretty well.
Wow, that is a great old Erfurt smoker! Already 20 years old when WWI began! Love the paper-patched vintage cartridge.
Thanks, Jon. That's just lead oxidation on the bullet. I've only got three of the original rounds.
Beautiful gun and in great condition for being over 125 years old. I don't imagine there are tons of those still around. What would fair market value be for something like that? Just curious, if you don't mind sharing.
--- Quote from: Bacarnal on May 29, 2022, 03:27:43 PM ---Thanks, Jon. That's just lead oxidation on the bullet. I've only got three of the original rounds.
--- End quote ---
Ah, 100-130 years of exposure to oxygen will do that :))
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