Always wanted one of those Japanese NCO swords.
Speaking of swords...While I was working in Idaho this last season, I followed up on a WTB ad in the local rag. A fella wanting to buy militaria. I needed a bayo for an Arisaka T38, so I takes a chance on the fella, and he say he's got a couple extras, come by. He was about 85 mile from our stip. So I get to the place and he was just wrapping up some Nam field radio stuff. He must not have a spousal unit because his stuff was everywhere. Japanese and Nazi SS uniforms, swords, daggers, helmets, flags, mess of rifles (Arisakas, & Mausers) a super bad MUMd T38 paratrooper, pistols (Nambu, P08, C96), Thompson, M38, grease gun. Spent the afternoon with him, Dave Sanders. Museum quality pieces.
Got a good bayo from him. Would have got a Jap flag too, but the only ones he'd let go of, were garrison flags. Make cool car cove.
He had a bunch of giant scale tanks & planes, and old clocks. PAX