Retail Products & Gunsmithing Services > High Velocity Gunsmithing

High Velocity Gunsmithing


Power Surge:
Hey guys! For those who don't know, I'm a certified gunsmith, and wanted to share my business and services with anyone here who needs them!

I've got a machine shop and can handle most projects. Repairs, troubleshooting, trigger jobs (including SKS), function tests, upgrades, modifications, etc, etc.

I am also a Glocksmith, and can make your Glock kick ass. Same goes for mostly any other modern pistols.

Check out, share, and like my facebook business page. I post some of my work performed there, but will try to post some here as well for those who don't facebook.


--- Quote from: Power Surge on December 14, 2015, 10:10:10 PM ---Hey guys! For those who don't know, I'm a certified gunsmith, and wanted to share my business and services with anyone here who needs them!

I've got a machine shop and can handle most projects. Repairs, troubleshooting, trigger jobs (including SKS), function tests, upgrades, modifications, etc, etc.

I am also a Glocksmith, and can make your Glock kick ass. Same goes for mostly any other modern pistols.

Check out, share, and like my facebook business page. I post some of my work performed there, but will try to post some here as well for those who don't facebook.

--- End quote ---

Power it's good you will post some here as I don't do FaceButt (Facebook). I'm only about 115 miles from you so going over there to get work done on a firearm wouldn't be a big pain.

I took a look at your facebook page looks good man except not one sks pic on the whole page........... think1 whip)) punish1 :) ;)

SKhiSm 59-66A1:
Congrats PS, here's hoping things get off to a great start and get better from there  thumb1


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