General Milsurp Weapons > Milsurp Shotguns
Nam era Ithaca model 37
Mod 12 does not interchange with a 1200. IIRC from having worked on both. As mentioned the Mod 12 was an updated version of the 1897.
Gator as to your Ithaca 37 question; I do not believe, again IIRC, the Nam version of the 37 came blued but all were parkerized for the terrain. Only the civilian versions were blued.
--- Quote from: Greasemonkey on May 14, 2015, 10:34:45 AM ---Pot, meet kettle.... If you showed little more repesct and common sense in some of your posts, I might have split these posts in to two seperate posts. But, running around asking "what kinda sling is that" on every rifle, has gotten old. If you have a valid question, by all means ask. There is alot of knowledge here, on many different weapons, a little common sense and respect could go along way in help and what not.
I'm done with the fluff and it breaks down like this, if you want to earn respect, give some, if ya wanna be a wiseass for the duration of your stay, thats fine as well, but the second I or another Admin get another member complaint or I just get bored reading whimiscal posts about a whole lot of nothing, well, I know, the other Admins know, and you know your history elsewhere. Nuff said.
--- End quote ---
+1 thumb1 Couldn't have said it better.
My apologies for 'jacking this thread...GM & GG, thanks for the assistance.
I had a Norinco clone years ago but they can't slam fire like originals. I see OG ones on Gunbroker on occasion.
I had a Norinco that would, all depends on when it was made/imported.
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