Thompsons are fun, definitely boner worthy...

but come with some caveats, as an owner, let me explain.... there's 2 different styles of Thompsons...... one accepts the drums, the other doesn't.. and let me tell ya first hand.. a drum ain't cheap, the 50rd price will cause some heartburn at $375ish, the 100rd drum, you almost puke in your mouth.... you could buy a Chinese SKS and probably 250rd-500rds of ammo for the cost of a 100rd drum.. around $750ish... and don't think you'll be cheap and buy a faux cheesy 10rd drum, for $50 more dollars you could just get the 50rd. Not to mention.. the drum is a PIA to attach, they have a small device or tool, called the third hand to help get it attached, cause you fricken need 4 hands.. This wasn't an issue on the originals, because they were open bolt by design, not closed bolt semiauto.. another highlight.... the rifle with a 100rd drum loaded is 17pounds.. gluttony at it's finest... one with a 50rd drum is just over 14pounds. Even stick mags ain't cheap about 80ish a piece, the 20 and 30rd stick mags work fine for the most part though........ It's also kind of a PIA to clean too...
But, Auto Ordinance is owned my Kahr.. the same people who own Magnum Research, the BFR

and the Desert Eagle

..... as a person who owns 2 Desert Eagles and a Kahr made Thompson.. they some fricken expensive toys.

GM's opinion and $.0000002 worth...

keep and sit on the SVT.. buy a High Point 45acp carbine and wear it out.. The SVT ain't ever gonna loose it's value.