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General Discussion / Re: Help Finding Extended Mag Release
« Last post by Greatguns on February 13, 2025, 04:59:26 PM »
Good to see he has made some more.
General Discussion / Re: Help Finding Extended Mag Release
« Last post by Retrogrouch71 on February 13, 2025, 03:31:04 PM »

I just ordered my Gould Engineering extended magazine release for SKS rifle (1 piece stainless steel, CNC machined). Pricing for me was $50 shipped.
Projects / Re: De-frankenpinning an sks mag
« Last post by theSKSguy45 on February 07, 2025, 05:12:13 PM »
Those photos are after a cold blue, I didn’t go very far because I noticed the weld was done with stainless wire. When the pin was welded originally there was a chuck that had burned away, leaving a noticeable hole in the weld. The original weld came down and was nearly indistinguishable from the original material but the stainless sticks out more than I was hoping for. Here is a picture from right after the weld

Basically I’m looking to to blue stainless
Projects / Re: De-frankenpinning an sks mag
« Last post by running-man on February 07, 2025, 10:19:15 AM »
I'm a bit confused, were there pits under the edge of the frankenweld that needed filled in after you ground it flat?  Did your buddy use stainless weld wire?!

I think regardless of what you do, you're going to always have some kind of discontinuity at the edge of the frankenweld after you grind it flush.  It might be able to be hidden with a good rebluing, but it'll always be there if someone looks hard enough.  Not to say that what you have is not 10X better looking than the frakenweld wart, I think you did great for your first one!  thumb1  Do you think a different weld bead layout would have helped hide things a bit better??  I'll be interested to see what it looks like after you blue it.  You might surprise yourself with how well it looks.
Projects / De-frankenpinning an sks mag
« Last post by theSKSguy45 on February 06, 2025, 10:36:02 PM »
So my 1949 like so many others had the misfortune of being frankenpinned by Westrifle. Now I personally don’t think they look atrocious but they are definitely unsightly, so I figured I’d try to fix mine. I ground down the weld to the point at which a co-worker could weld the gaps left on the mag closed. Unfortunately they aren’t a gun guy and didn’t understand exactly what I was asking for. Although I’m very grateful they took the time to help me the result isn’t what I had hoped for. I’ve been thinking of hitting it with a torch to heat blue the stainless portion and go over the rest with cold blue afterwards. Regardless it was an excellent experience and all the more reason to get a tig welder and start learning so I can do these at home.

General SKS Discussion / Re: SKS Collector Values
« Last post by echo1 on February 05, 2025, 08:37:40 PM »
Greatguns hit pretty good. If those numbers don't hurt your feelings hold out for that. Another direction you can go if you're not gettin any bites, is to bundle them twofers at a  little less than each. PAX
General SKS Discussion / Re: SKS Collector Values
« Last post by JDSQD on February 05, 2025, 03:35:26 PM »
Thanks, I’ll post some pictures later after I get home. Thanks for the response, your value ranges is a big help. 
General SKS Discussion / Re: SKS Collector Values
« Last post by Greatguns on February 05, 2025, 02:01:19 PM »
Best thing you can do to help get a good response is to post pics here so people don't have to go hunting for them. Having said that, I'll try to give a generic value to each based on info given here. All will be dependent on condition;

Ghost gun - $600-$750
Sneak - $700-$1200
M59 - $750-$850
Romanian - $550-$700

General SKS Discussion / SKS Collector Values
« Last post by JDSQD on February 05, 2025, 01:50:46 PM »
Forgive me if this post is in the wrong thread. I’m taking a portion of my SKS collection to a gun show this weekend and I am trying to determine values since some may be considered collectibles. Any information is appreciated.

Five digit serial number Chinese “ghost” - see an older post of mine.

Russian “sneak”, all matching serials including dust cover somehow. See an older post of mine.

A beautiful Yugoslavian M59

Romanian with most of the SN’s matching.

Russian SKS / Re: Could use some help with ID
« Last post by running-man on January 31, 2025, 10:10:16 AM »
Good catch pcke! I didn't notice the TK acceptance stamp my first look.  Good indication that it indeed saw some form of refurb back in the USSR.
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