I was recently able to reunite both factions of the American Mosins. About 8 months ago I traded a beat up Remington for a k11 carbine. I'm ecstatic about having the Swiss but the Westinghouse has been lonely ever since.
These American Mosin Nagants, made between 1915-18 for a Russian army suffering a drastic dearth of rifles, come from a volatile time in both world and Russian history. Tsarism was dead or dying. Communism was taking root. A young Joseph Stalin was working his way up the ranks of Lenin's & Trotsky's regime. A world war, two Russian Revolutions, Red Terror, Russian civil war all could have put the American contract Mosin Nagants to use for either red or white, Bolshevik or Menshevik, provisional govt troop or revolutionary, Cheka inquisitor or Okhrana investigator, Red Army pvt or Finn infantryman, and on and on.
Both of these guns eventually ended up in Finnish hands. On the Remington stock & receiver you can see the Finn Civil Guard District number for Kanta Hame. The Remington also has the trigger return spring, a Finn modification that eliminates trigger slack.