Picked this up yesterday morning at a gunshow, about 2 hours away, that my son-in-law and I decided to go to at the last minute.
Little confused on it though as I can't quite figure out the year manufactured. There is no arsenal marking or date markings on it.
No frame installed (Hammer) safety on it, plus the trigger doesn't have the Glock style trigger safety (Been swapped for a standard trigger). So it's in an original military configuration and is stamped M54 on the top of the slide in Chinese.
The frame and slide SN match, haven't disassembled it yet to checked for other SN'ed parts. Came with the typical blue corduroy lined holster.
This is a RGuns import and some sites believe these may have been imported from Albania, while some say they didn't
Different sites have different ways to date these, hence my confusion on its date of birth.
Several sites says take 53 and add the first 2 digits of the SN 32 and you get 85 for the year made. Did they make military ones in 86, as far as I can tell no they didn't. Then found they were doing this with 30 Million SN guns mine is a 3 Million SN gun.
Found on another site a SN list and one close to mine (3 Million SN range) that is actually dated has a 1956 date.
Then a third site, where they used a different (Weird) formula, made me see cross-eyed.
Anyways here's the preliminary photos of it.