Hey Joe,
They’re both the October 1969 dated versions identical to the one you posted. Same typo of “M49/56” on page 5 (otherwise correctly identified on pages 1, 2, 4 and 6).
I think it’s a cool time capsule. The omissions are as interesting as the included information on page 1. The authors were unaware of: the Romanian (or so rare as to not warrant a mention), the North Vietnamese (or at least they hadn’t made the distinction of the “Star 1” marked receivers from the Type 56), the Yugoslavian M59, and unsurprisingly the Albanian (undoubtedly never observed by US military or intelligence service personnel by Oct. 1969).
It’s a thorough operational manual for informing soldiers/marines on the ground in SE Asia ca. ‘69, or Green Berets that may have trained various indigenous forces around the world from 1969 to the present.