Well I'll get it going.
Somebody runs around with this quote
The only way to avoid Mosin #2 is avoid Mosin #1!
He is absolutely gosh darn right
But, this is how I Mosin
M91/30 Sniper, a '44 VKT M39, a '42 VKT M39, a '44 Sako M39 w/straight stock, a Civil Guard Tikka M28, three M44's blond, amber and a laminate.
M91/30 Sniper, Five, various maker and year Finnish M91s, Tikka and VKT, a 1919 Foremost Tula M91 Finn capture and a Finnish M28/76 target rifle
The SVT-40 is a Finn capture, a XO-47 marked M91/30, two Finn Capture M91/30s, a Spanish Civil War M91/30 and a Wz-48 Polish .22 trainer Mosin
A 1954 /296\ and 1955 /26\ Type 53 Chinese, two unconverted M91 Dragoons, a Finnish capture and a Spanish Civil War