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Chinese SKS (Military) / Re: No "Type 56" characters?
« Last post by running-man on Today at 07:15:51 PM »
Def a /?5\ arsenal gun.  Born on date month 6 (June), year 16 (1971) as mentioned above.

Looks like a nice one!   thumb1

Russian SKS / Re: Two new Russians to me - what are they?
« Last post by running-man on Today at 07:12:10 PM »
Yes, basically all the stamped serial numbers (bolt, bolt carrier, magazine, receiver, stock, trigger group, and rear of the receiver cover).  The EP'd numbers are useful too (extractor, gas piston, gas tube, sometimes the bayonet).

Then some detail shots of the right side of the bolt carrier, the rear receiver cover takedown lever, gas tube takedown lever, the barrel lug, bayonet lug, gas block, and left/right stock @ the crossbolts would likely get us there. 

Between the two we would be able to compare fonts, look for odd should't-be-there features, and give you as good an opinion as photos would allow.
Black Powder / Re: Just a copy, Pietta 1860 Army
« Last post by running-man on Today at 07:07:31 PM »
Found by a friend of a friend buried in his yard for at least the last 10 years. Made in 2007 and restored by me as best I could for what he had to invest.

That's a really neat find IMO.  I wonder why it was buried!?!  :-X :o
Introductions / Re: Hello
« Last post by running-man on Today at 07:06:37 PM »
Greetings from New Mexico!
Introductions / Re: Hello
« Last post by RoscoeTurner on Today at 10:57:03 AM »
Thank you.
Introductions / Re: Hello
« Last post by Greatguns on Today at 10:18:14 AM »
Welcome to the files RT from the red state of MO
Chinese SKS (Military) / Re: No "Type 56" characters?
« Last post by RoscoeTurner on Today at 09:43:35 AM »
Photo of markings as requested.
Hand Guns & Sub Guns / Re: Beretta M9 Commercial
« Last post by RoscoeTurner on Today at 09:30:36 AM »
One of mine which is from the earlier M9 civilian market offerings.  Most of my career I carried a .38 revolver until those were replaced in the late 80s.

Projects / Re: Sks re-barrel project
« Last post by theSKSguy45 on Today at 12:39:41 AM »
Not yet at least. Tried to see if I could cheat the Chinese barrel out with two big crescent wrenches. Not even close, this will be fun.
Introductions / Re: Hello
« Last post by RoscoeTurner on November 05, 2024, 10:28:10 PM »
Welcome from Kali RT, PAX

Thank you.
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