Author Topic: woo hoo!! Armalite has my rifle finished  (Read 1759 times)

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Offline hoopharted

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woo hoo!! Armalite has my rifle finished
« on: February 18, 2021, 05:36:07 AM »
hopefully it ships this week , there is a hiccup though that has me worried , the FFL i had been using kinda is going off the deep end treating customers like someone is looking like they are getting out of the gun business in the near future , when my varminter shipped to them we had a pre arranged agreement of $35 xfer fee , after they took possession of my rifle it was $50 , i said we had a deal in place for $35 ,they said well now its $50 , i paid it just to get my rifle away from them ,had visions of them taking it out back and cooking my barrel

i have done ALLOT of business with them ,ALLOT , for them to alienate a customer such as my self with the insatiable appetite for collecting as i do over $15 ,the only logical answer would be they have short term goggles on and are grasping every dollar they can ,while they can  so i roasted them on Yelp , i mean i left blood and guts on the yelp floor

so i call Armalite up about 4 weeks ago and explained the situation , gave them the new FFL info and pleaded with them to erase everything they had on my previous FFL , i was rest assured that they had , then they call yesterday to finalize the payment , never dawned to double check they had the correct FFL , i was excited to get the rifle a month earlier than they had quoted , get the invoice when i got home from work it has the old FFL on it , tryed calling , eft messages , left a email with URGENT ATTN

im screwed if they ship my rifle to those AH's
There are going to be two types of people in this world , those without toilet paper , and those with plenty of ammo to protect their toilet paper

Offline carls sks

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Re: woo hoo!! Armalite has my rifle finished
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2021, 09:32:56 AM »
keep trying to call them, hope it ail works out ok for you.

Offline hoopharted

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Re: woo hoo!! Armalite has my rifle finished
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2021, 06:40:02 PM »
well i did catch them in time , it delayed shipping a few days but i avoided a bad situation , its scheduled to reach my guy Friday , that was the last AR on my grocery list , everything else is gravy from this point

got my Colt , Armalite , LR308 , Varminter , and a Anderson Carbine  for my new field gun
There are going to be two types of people in this world , those without toilet paper , and those with plenty of ammo to protect their toilet paper

Offline Greatguns

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Re: woo hoo!! Armalite has my rifle finished
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2021, 06:43:40 PM »
well i did catch them in time , it delayed shipping a few days but i avoided a bad situation , its scheduled to reach my guy Friday , that was the last AR on my grocery list , everything else is gravy from this point

got my Colt , Armalite , LR308 , Varminter , and a Anderson Carbine  for my new field gun

Well, glad I can take that off my watch list rofl2 rofl2
My Avatar is a pic of the real "Ghost" SKS in honor of xxxsks(joe). It is a pic of a fully decked out SKS in Capco hunter's kit. This was mine, the only other pic I had ever seen of one was Joe's.

Offline hoopharted

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Re: woo hoo!! Armalite has my rifle finished
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2021, 07:08:47 PM »
november i set a list that i wanted to get before the idiot and chief started signing executive orders , that was the last one , now i can take a breath for a while
There are going to be two types of people in this world , those without toilet paper , and those with plenty of ammo to protect their toilet paper