Since this thread has now brought up a different issue, I want to clarify that I know RM didn't bring this up because he supports the aforementioned intolerant crowd on arfcom, but rather because if GoDaddy decided against hosting the arfcom site for anti-2A reasons, that is disturbing.
That should be obvious, as he was a co-author of the "Rules", including Rule 4.

Most definitely. I honestly couldn't care less whether they thrive or fail on their own merits. Their mods, their rules, & their membership is their problem.
My issue starts when an external group such as GoDaddy suddenly and arbitrarily decides to be judge, jury, and executioner of any given site on the web. Censorship by non-governmental entities with diverse morals is a notoriously slippery slope and once it begins there is nothing to really stop until it burns itself out in the frenzy and chaos of mob rule. We are very early in this process, perhaps there is time for cooler heads to prevail, but it would be extremely naive of us to assume that arfcom is only being targeted because they are a**holes and not because of the firearm aspect.