It's time for us to renew our domain names of,, and This is something that has to be done every year and will come out to just under $50 this time around. One of the things we've always tried to do at SKS-Files is to keep costs down as low as possible which then enables us to ask the membership for help as infrequently as possible as well.
Any members who contribute and do not already have it will receive automatic SKS-Files CONTRIBUTOR status
for life (we don't extort our members with ever changing rules about 'renewing your membership yearly' like some other boards out there who always seem to have their hat in hand). SKS-Files CONTRIBUTOR status enables expanded features & member boards above and beyond what is received upon initial registration. Just press this donate button to contribute! (also located at the bottom of the screen on the home page)
Thanks again for all the help guys. Your support makes & the go to place for all information SKS.