Author Topic: Maqwedge Peep Sight  (Read 5471 times)

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Offline Justin Hell

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Maqwedge Peep Sight
« on: April 12, 2018, 05:26:02 PM »
I find these to be kind of intriguing. A bubba mod that isn't permanent and looks to fit the part of an original sight if you didn't know better.

They look to be identical to a standard sight blade, but with the peep instead of the notch. While lacking any adjustment for windage, these look leaps and bounds better than the Williams peep sight. The Mojo peep is considerably more robust than the Williams, and is adjustable...and five bucks cheaper than the Magwedge....but the Magwedge looks like it belongs on the gun more than the former.

Granted, none of these give the advantage of a longer sight radius as the Tech Sights do, but those are so awkward and contrary to what an SKS is supposed to look like.  Like part of a grenade launching sight that is missing...something.  They kind of remind me of the spare tire hump in old Lincoln Continental trunk lids.   rofl   Removing chunks of wood isn't very appealing to many either. Pretty much any stock you install them onto is junk if you decide they don't work for you, or you decide to sell and want to return to original. Sure you could add to the expenditure and get a spare stock...but it isn't exactly economical.
I haven't got visceral knowledge of either the Magwedge or Mojo peeps....but would like to hear other's experiences if there are any. It seems a pretty penny for either...but as my eyes age, a more viable option for irons seems to be in the near future for me. :)  I had forgotten about the Mojo sight, and for some reason thought it no longer was being made. Seeing this Magwedge sight makes me consider kicking the William's to the curb for a more traditional looking is only a backup iron on a scoped rifle, so it has been pretty low priority...but these new peeps look kind of....nice.

All in all, by a visual inspection alone, I gotta give kudos to the Canadians for giving a resurgence in the aftermarket SKS accessories. It is neat to see new ideas like this come up again.

Offline carls sks

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Re: Maqwedge Peep Sight
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2018, 07:34:15 PM »
thanks for sharing.  thumb1

Offline Loose}{Cannon

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Re: Maqwedge Peep Sight
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2018, 09:01:40 PM »
You should try and make one...   Use a small washer.   :)
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Offline Weldrdave

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Re: Maqwedge Peep Sight
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2020, 08:32:02 AM »
I find these to be kind of intriguing. A bubba mod that isn't permanent and looks to fit the part of an original sight if you didn't know better.

They look to be identical to a standard sight blade, but with the peep instead of the notch. While lacking any adjustment for windage, these look leaps and bounds better than the Williams peep sight. The Mojo peep is considerably more robust than the Williams, and is adjustable...and five bucks cheaper than the Magwedge....but the Magwedge looks like it belongs on the gun more than the former.

Granted, none of these give the advantage of a longer sight radius as the Tech Sights do, but those are so awkward and contrary to what an SKS is supposed to look like.  Like part of a grenade launching sight that is missing...something.  They kind of remind me of the spare tire hump in old Lincoln Continental trunk lids.   rofl   Removing chunks of wood isn't very appealing to many either. Pretty much any stock you install them onto is junk if you decide they don't work for you, or you decide to sell and want to return to original. Sure you could add to the expenditure and get a spare stock...but it isn't exactly economical.
I haven't got visceral knowledge of either the Magwedge or Mojo peeps....but would like to hear other's experiences if there are any. It seems a pretty penny for either...but as my eyes age, a more viable option for irons seems to be in the near future for me. :)  I had forgotten about the Mojo sight, and for some reason thought it no longer was being made. Seeing this Magwedge sight makes me consider kicking the William's to the curb for a more traditional looking is only a backup iron on a scoped rifle, so it has been pretty low priority...but these new peeps look kind of....nice.

All in all, by a visual inspection alone, I gotta give kudos to the Canadians for giving a resurgence in the aftermarket SKS accessories. It is neat to see new ideas like this come up again.
Hello Justin, I just stumbled across this thread and I know it's older,  Hahahahah, so am I...  But I was wondering if you purchased the Magwedge and how do you like it?  I have a Paratrooper I'd like to install one on, the gun isn't 100% anyway and was Bubbifyed when I got it. I'm bringing it back to as close to original as possible and was looking at the Magwedge.  Can I get your opinion please?
« Last Edit: November 23, 2020, 01:39:25 PM by Weldrdave »
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Offline Justin Hell

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Re: Maqwedge Peep Sight
« Reply #4 on: November 21, 2020, 06:30:51 PM »
I never picked one up, and oddly enough I was considering putting my Tech Sights rig on a new project...and rewatching Youtube videos before seeing this. :)
If I do, I would have to remove my rear sight anyway, and might give the William's peep a shot again while I am at that. My vision continues to deteriorate, and since the original post have moved to bifocal contacts, which is a real treat with irons.

I do have an extra leaf I could make one of these with now...I am sure I could find a blueable washer and finally have an excuse to buy a small welder.
I guess I should ask which Harbor Freight cheapo might serve a total novice for general purposes? :)

Offline echo1

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Re: Maqwedge Peep Sight
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2020, 02:12:29 AM »
I have Tech, Williams, and Mojo. The Tech sights take more "aiming" and mare most stocks.

The Williams (with aperture removed) and Mojo are quicker, like ghost rings.

I'd like to give the Magwedge a go. I think I'd like them. They make sense. PAX
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Offline Bubbazinetti

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Re: Maqwedge Peep Sight
« Reply #6 on: November 22, 2020, 09:45:07 PM »
There is also the HITECH by D.C. Engineering rear peep sight,adjustable for windage and elevation,all steel construction and replaces the stock rear sight. I like it for hunting on my type 56 and the price is less than the others and it stays put.A real bargain for $35 imho.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2020, 09:52:37 PM by Bubbazinetti »
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Offline Larry D.

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Re: Maqwedge Peep Sight
« Reply #7 on: November 23, 2020, 10:18:09 PM »
There is also the HITECH by D.C. Engineering rear peep sight,adjustable for windage and elevation,all steel construction and replaces the stock rear sight. I like it for hunting on my type 56 and the price is less than the others and it stays put.A real bargain for $35 imho.

And it's only 35 bucks!
I might need to pick up a peep of some type for my project rifle.

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Offline Weldrdave

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Re: Maqwedge Peep Sight
« Reply #8 on: November 27, 2020, 12:23:06 PM »
There is also the HITECH by D.C. Engineering rear peep sight,adjustable for windage and elevation,all steel construction and replaces the stock rear sight. I like it for hunting on my type 56 and the price is less than the others and it stays put.A real bargain for $35 imho.
Thanks!  This might be the way to go!  I gotta find a good picture of one.  thumb1
USN/USCG (retired) Chief.
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