I'll take a politically correct stab at it....lol
For many years, there was another forum that was considered the authority on SKS information. The major collectors and players were there. Over the years, much knowledge about these guns was "guessed", since the respective countries of manufacture really aren't offering us accurate info.
Over time, these guesses and speculation became "law" of information concerning the SKS. But as time went on, people started challenging this info, wanting to see facts or data it was based off. Those people couldn't get answers (because there was no factual data), so they started collecting data and looking at the history of the SKS from outside the box....with a new perspective based on facts and actual guns.
Eventually, the old salts on the other forum started getting offended by real world information shooting holes in their guessed "law", and they started pushing out those members. Those members created this site. A site where information is based off of fact, and when something is questioned we re-evaluate it instead of censoring and banning people who don't agree with us, like they do at the other board.
So that should give you a quick summary