Okay guys, I am looking at working a local deal on what will be my first ever actual Albanian SKS. Not the best condition, but looks decent. The stock has been camo painted, but I can probably fix that (if I have a mind to). Has the bayonet and cleaning rod, but no kit in the butt. Would probably like to find an Albanian kit, sling, and chest rig to go with it.
I am not up on Albanian SKSs and for as many years as I have collected and worked on them, I have never handled, worked on, nor owned an actual Albanian made SKS. This is NOT a prime specimen, but most(if not all) the numbers match and looks to be a complete-able unit.
Anyway, below are some pics and the guy is asking $600 with possible trade fodder in the works. Question is a simple yay or nay as to get it or not along with any thoughts and opinions you may have. Here are the pics I have from the seller.