Author Topic: 22LR Jackalope Sniper Challenge  (Read 19447 times)

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Offline Power Surge

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Re: 22LR Jackalope Sniper Challenge
« Reply #20 on: November 14, 2014, 08:10:28 PM »
Did I do something wrong?

Offline Loose}{Cannon

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Re: 22LR Jackalope Sniper Challenge
« Reply #21 on: November 14, 2014, 09:13:48 PM »
I must have missed your post PS.... 

If anyone posts a qualifying target, please pm me to be sure I see it.   :)

Power Surge has won the title of Master Sergeant with an excellent 8 outta 10 target!

Great job man.....  Two more times just like that, and your at the top.   thumb1
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Re: 22LR Jackalope Sniper Challenge
« Reply #22 on: November 14, 2014, 10:58:47 PM »
I forgot to print out the rules before I headed there. I just remembered it was out of 10 shots. I'll definitely do more targets next time out. I enjoyed shooting 100 yards with the RAR. I can usually muster about .400 groups at 50, so I was pretty happy with my first time out at 100. I think my grouping was decent for non-match ammo.

Offline Loose}{Cannon

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Re: 22LR Jackalope Sniper Challenge
« Reply #23 on: November 14, 2014, 11:18:06 PM »
Norma Tac is a new contender on the scene. Its actually proving to be very very accurate and will keep its own against some of the best target ammos available.   Its definitely a match grade ammo in my definition. 
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Offline Power Surge

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Re: 22LR Jackalope Sniper Challenge
« Reply #24 on: November 14, 2014, 11:27:14 PM »
Norma Tac is a new contender on the scene. Its actually proving to be very very accurate and will keep its own against some of the best target ammos available.   Its definitely a match grade ammo in my definition.

It's definitely the best ammo per dollar right now. And being made by RWS, it's obviously top quality. Just like anything .22, each gun likes certain ammo. In my guns, the Norma-tac shoots about the same as Wolf MT/SK Plus, just slightly edging it out. I've never tried any super high match stuff like Midas Gold or Tennex.

Offline Loose}{Cannon

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Re: 22LR Jackalope Sniper Challenge
« Reply #25 on: November 14, 2014, 11:55:32 PM »

Welp..  the higher grade match ammos can be better of course, but as you stated the price is very resolvable for the Tac and made by a reputable match ammo manufacturer.
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Offline Power Surge

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Re: 22LR Jackalope Sniper Challenge
« Reply #26 on: November 16, 2014, 04:49:55 PM »
Ok, went back out today to do some jackalope sniping :)

Since I really haven't shot .22 at 100 yards, I wanted to try some different ammo and see how it grouped.

Below is the pic of three ammo types.. norma-tac, Wolf MT, and some CCI-SV.

The scope is zeroed off of the Norma from the last outing. The Wolf grouped almost as well, but not quite. Interestingly the Wolf shot about an inch left of where the Norma landed. And the CCI-SV is on the bottom, with the worst group, but still not horrible for non-match ammo.

So after the ammo test, I obviously stuck with the Norma.

Here's my other two qualifying targets. The one on the left was first. 9 out of 10 center shots, and a flyer for the head shot :-(. The right side target is 8 out of 10. The 10th shot is the one at the very bottom of the paper....they sounded the cease fire siren just as I was pulling the trigger and caught me off guard, lol. The head shot was better on this one. I had to slip a round into the hole to see if it broke the line, and it's just about even with the black edge. No biggie, it still was a good shot.

Offline Loose}{Cannon

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Re: 22LR Jackalope Sniper Challenge
« Reply #27 on: November 16, 2014, 10:15:26 PM »
Outstanding....  I like how you experimented with several ammos to be sure your shooting what your rimfire likes.  I would def stick with the Norma in that rifle. You maye find some higher level match ammo brands to shoot better in your rifle, but you simply cant beat the performance at cost with Norma. 

You are now at the top rank of Master Gunny in the Jackalope Challenge.....  excellent shooting!

I have noticed dif speed ammos will group in dif locations.... not sure exactly what causes this, but most of the time for me it groups low and to the left with slower speeds then high and to the right with faster ammo.  Its a lower left to upper right diagonal string depending on speed.
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Offline Dannyboy53

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Re: 22LR Jackalope Sniper Challenge
« Reply #28 on: November 17, 2014, 12:43:00 AM »
Commendable shooting Power!!

Cannon I wonder if that "diagonal string" you speak of would change directions with a left-hander doing the firing? Just thinking about the variables again!

Offline Loose}{Cannon

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Re: 22LR Jackalope Sniper Challenge
« Reply #29 on: April 09, 2018, 05:36:14 PM »
Updated the target picture and moved the downloadable PDF to SKSFiles server. 

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