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Russian SKS / Re: Taking a chance on a 49
« Last post by jstin2 on Today at 03:57:57 PM »
Here are some pictures of the stock.

American Curios & Relics / Re: New to me Winchester M1 carbine
« Last post by Phosphorus32 on Today at 03:41:19 PM »
Yeah, I missed that. For sure a knock on value to a collector. If not disclosed, that would be a back out of a deal issue for me.
American Curios & Relics / Re: New to me Winchester M1 carbine
« Last post by 100Acre on Today at 01:37:56 PM »
So, i bought it as a possible investment and paid $800 for all of it but someone on gunboards posted this in response and it was something I hadn’t noticed. Do you think it’ll affect the value by much? Also the guy i bought it from had said that he added the bayonet lug himself some years ago. Should i take it off?

Russian SKS / Re: Taking a chance on a 49
« Last post by running-man on Today at 11:18:46 AM »
I did not notice the rear mount changes. Outside measurement on the first one is from this SKS(11.93mm), second one is from my early 49 SKS(13.35mm) that has some of the early features and third is from another early 49. Inside gap on top one is 6.11mm and second is 7.63mm.

Now *that* is interesting!  They must have had issues threading the slings with the narrower designs and decided to open things up to the swivel that eventually became standard.

Very neat carbine jstin.   thumb1

Heck just seeing that bottom pin on the stock ferrule would have gotten me excited enough to kick in a premium over any other typical '49.  Looks like a *very* early one indeed.   Looking forward to the full spread.
American Curios & Relics / Re: New to me Winchester M1 carbine
« Last post by Phosphorus32 on December 09, 2024, 10:31:47 PM »
The bayonet is a reproduction. Real ones are still easy to find but not super cheap. The Italian ones are generally reasonable (under $100).
Russian SKS / Re: Taking a chance on a 49
« Last post by jstin2 on December 09, 2024, 10:23:13 PM »
I did not notice the rear mount changes. Outside measurement on the first one is from this SKS(11.93mm), second one is from my early 49 SKS(13.35mm) that has some of the early features and third is from another early 49. Inside gap on top one is 6.11mm and second is 7.63mm. Diameter of the rod used in the top 2 are 2.9mm and on the 3rd is 3.5mm.

American Curios & Relics / Re: New to me Winchester M1 carbine
« Last post by Phosphorus32 on December 09, 2024, 10:19:50 PM »
Very nice indeed. Are the Winchesters less common? PAX

Winchester was the second most prolific manufacturer behind Inland (General Motors, Inland Division)
American Curios & Relics / Re: New to me Winchester M1 carbine
« Last post by Phosphorus32 on December 09, 2024, 10:15:39 PM »
Winchester invented the M1 Carbine, so if you’re going to have one, a Winchester would be my first choice. Yours is in the second to last serial number block assigned to Winchester, and they ceased production of M1 and M2 Carbines in August 1945. Yours was probably made around February of 1945, give or take a month.

Should have an overlaid PW proof on the barrel, besides the WRA near the front sight. You have a period correct, late production, Winchester stock, as indicated by the oiler inlet shape, the W on the left, and the correct US Army Ordnance marking on the right side thumb1 Typical post-war updates and signs of refurbishment: barrel band with bayonet lug, HI safety (Inland sub-contractor).

Nice score!

Russian SKS / Re: Taking a chance on a 49
« Last post by Phosphorus32 on December 09, 2024, 09:26:01 PM »
Nice! Looking forward to more pictures!
Russian SKS / Re: Taking a chance on a 49
« Last post by jstin2 on December 09, 2024, 09:01:26 PM »
Early features that I have on this SKS.
1. Equal cleaning rod nubs.
2. No rivet on magazine.
3. Clawed trap door for cleaning kit.
4. Stock modified for clawed trap door.
5. Op rod beveled on 2 sides.
6. Front sling mount thicker - 4.98mm
7. No knurls on safety lever and magazine release.

Pictures to follow.
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