Sounds great, let us know how she shoots!

All brass cased, boxer primed 7.62x39 is pricey, not just Igman. I'd say if you got it for around 75-85 cents per round you paid about the average for it these days. It used to be you could grab a 1000 round case of excellent quality Golden Tiger steel case manufactured @ Vympel for $200 (back in 2017-2019). Then, after the Antifa and Covid panics, it went up to $320. Now with the Russian sanctions it is $600+, if you can even find it. Pretty much the same with Wolf, Barnaul, Brown Bear, and even Tulammo. If you find a good deal on 7.62x39 at a garage sale, flea market, widow cleaning out a husband's estate, etc., jump on it. 7.62x39 is simply not going to go down as long as the worlds largest exporter of the stuff is not able to access the US market. Even if relations are somehow repaired, I don't think we see $200 a case again. The days of the AK/SKS being the cheap plinking platform of choice based on price is over I'm sad to say.