Author Topic: Rock-ola (mixmaster) M1 Carbine  (Read 15760 times)

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Offline Phosphorus32

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Rock-ola (mixmaster) M1 Carbine
« on: September 24, 2014, 11:30:11 AM »
My last day of vacation yesterday (hence I haven't been very active on the boards).  Out for a bit of plinking on BLM land since the range was closed, then decided to stop by my favorite father-son gunshop on the way back.  I saw an M1 Carbine in the consignment rack!  He had two around Christmas last year and I decided I couldn't afford them...kicked myself ever since.  Anyhow, I picked it up...and I never put it down until the paper work started.  I just did a little internet checking to make sure the SN checked out.  It's a mixmaster Rock-ola (their last SN block) receiver, undated Saginaw S.G. barrel (no import mark), Overland (OI) stock and handguard, etc.  All late model features that I can see.  It has a very good bore and crown.  It also came with the sling attached (and well worn/creased at the barrel band sling swivel), the slip on style mag pouch, two spare mags and a spare oiler.  I wasn't planning on dropping 8 bills yesterday  :o so my accountant (me) was chiding me but my id was dancing with glee...the accountant lost  :)  It's my first M1 Carbine and I'm just tickled to have one that should be a good shooter.  I'm curious about the rack and unit number.  I'd like to think G Company in the 92nd ID but I have no idea  ::)  The lettering/numbering looks original, well worn, no linseed oil glaze over it, etc.  I'm not very well read on M1 Carbines so I'm happy to have any information, advice, corrections to my mistakes etc.  Thanks for looking!

« Last Edit: December 03, 2014, 05:16:54 PM by Blicero »

Offline bbush44

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Re: Rock-ola (mixmaster) M1 Carbine
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2014, 11:40:18 AM »
Very nice pick up! I am still learning all the details of the M1 Carbine myself, but this website helps a lot.

Pick up some ammo, and enjoy shooting it. They are very fun shooters.


Offline Dannyboy53

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Re: Rock-ola (mixmaster) M1 Carbine
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2014, 12:56:07 PM »
Like Brian said, these are VERY fun shooters. This is a beautiful specimen '32, absolutely fine looking. Don't know if you reload but I tried reloading for mine several years ago with Sierra 110 gr "plinkers" pushing it with H-110 powder. I found out the gas system is very sensitive to load changes, you have to exactly follow factory specs or you have feed/ejection problems. Wasn't worth the effort so I stuck with factory ammo.

You'll fall in head over heels with this one!

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Re: Rock-ola (mixmaster) M1 Carbine
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2014, 01:54:01 PM »
Thanks Brian and Danny.  I do really like the Bavarian Carbines site.  That's where I checked the SN block before pulling the trigger on the purchase.

I'm definitely looking forward to firing it.  Any advice on ammo to avoid?  I picked up a box of S&B since he had it in the shop at $0.40 per round.  He also had the steel case Russian stuff.  This isn't a case like the .30-06 for the Garand where there are 100's of other types of guns in that caliber and pressures vary significantly.  Since the M1 is the primary user of 30 Carbine ammo, I would think the commercial ammo manufacturers would make it to the original mil spec...but I don't know for sure.

Offline Dannyboy53

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Re: Rock-ola (mixmaster) M1 Carbine
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2014, 03:15:51 PM »
Thanks Brian and Danny.  I do really like the Bavarian Carbines site.  That's where I checked the SN block before pulling the trigger on the purchase.

I'm definitely looking forward to firing it.  Any advice on ammo to avoid?  I picked up a box of S&B since he had it in the shop at $0.40 per round.  He also had the steel case Russian stuff.  This isn't a case like the .30-06 for the Garand where there are 100's of other types of guns in that caliber and pressures vary significantly.  Since the M1 is the primary user of 30 Carbine ammo, I would think the commercial ammo manufacturers would make it to the original mil spec...but I don't know for sure.

I have shot S&B ammo in my .45 auto and loved it, accurate, clean burning and no problems feeding or ejecting. Without looking it up I don't recall what the specs were on GI ammo, it seems like somewhere around 1900 fps. The best way, I'm sure you know, is to try a few different types and see how your Carbine digests it. 

I'm fairly certain any commercial ammo will hover around in the neighborhood of what you need. Once you take it to the range, it will be hard to quit and go home!

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Re: Rock-ola (mixmaster) M1 Carbine
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2014, 04:22:45 PM »
Ruger makes a 30 carbine revolver--nice companion same round.  If you shop around you can get one for less than you paid for the carbine!!  You're gonna love it--take extra ammo with you---
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Offline Dannyboy53

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Re: Rock-ola (mixmaster) M1 Carbine
« Reply #6 on: September 24, 2014, 04:31:25 PM »
Ruger makes a 30 carbine revolver--nice companion same round.  If you shop around you can get one for less than you paid for the carbine!!  You're gonna love it--take extra ammo with you---

One of my cousins had a Ruger .30cal, very nice. When he pulled the trigger it sounded off, that rascal sounded louder than the Carbine it seemed!

Offline Blicero

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Re: Rock-ola (mixmaster) M1 Carbine
« Reply #7 on: September 24, 2014, 08:47:30 PM »
Mixmaster or not, Rockola is highly sought after. You stole it. I'm not particularly fond of shooting the carbines, they feel toy-like and underpowered, but the cool mystique behind the manufacturer makes my Rockola the centerpiece of my American collection and will always have a spot on my wall. Whenever people approach me at the range wanting to see my carbine, I just nod & say yep, this little dandy originally played Bing Crosby tracks before it was an instrument of war.

 Nice score Jon!

There are no caveats on ammo you need to know of. At least not to my knowledge. I've shot all sorts of junk thru all my carbines without issues.
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Offline Phosphorus32

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Re: Rock-ola (mixmaster) M1 Carbine
« Reply #8 on: September 24, 2014, 09:44:27 PM »
Thanks Kevin! Glad to have confirmation that I can croon about that deal. (trivia: Bing Crosby is a native of Spokane, WA, which is about 140 miles NNE of my current city).

I think my wife and step-daughter will have fun shooting it too. Um, yeah, that's it, that's why I bought it  ::) :))

Offline Loose}{Cannon

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Re: Rock-ola (mixmaster) M1 Carbine
« Reply #9 on: September 24, 2014, 09:48:20 PM »
I agree....   fantastic carbine!   I particularly like the stock markings.   8)
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Offline Blicero

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Re: Rock-ola (mixmaster) M1 Carbine
« Reply #10 on: September 24, 2014, 09:49:02 PM »
Yeah buddy I'll bet they love it! The only centerfire rifles my ol' lady likes to shoot are the Mosin snipers, 03a4 and the m1 Carbines. It damn near made my head explode when she told me to never get rid of the m1 carbines. She's not that much of a gun nut so a statement like that caught me off guard.

She only likes the 03a4 because she thinks the sniper in Saving Private Ryan is sexy.
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Offline Loose}{Cannon

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Re: Rock-ola (mixmaster) M1 Carbine
« Reply #11 on: September 24, 2014, 10:04:12 PM »
looks like someone needs to find an 8x Unertl for their 03.   Spice it up. 

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Offline Phosphorus32

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Re: Rock-ola (mixmaster) M1 Carbine
« Reply #12 on: September 24, 2014, 10:28:31 PM »
LC beat me to it  ;)

9 shots without reloading  :o  hmmm

Offline Blicero

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Re: Rock-ola (mixmaster) M1 Carbine
« Reply #13 on: September 24, 2014, 10:33:46 PM »
Coin don't mess with me. You know I can't watch Youtube if I want my internet to load more than one page per hour for the next month.
Did he really peel off 9 rounds?
"I reject your suggestion."

"You would last about an hour in Charlotte before the police were called bc you were walking around outside with a bottle of scotch and a g43."
-Ty O

"I don't appreciate you showing Nazi images. My old lady's granddad died at Auschwitz."
"I'm sorry to hear that..."
"Yeah...he fell off a guard tower."
-You Know How I Get Thomas

Regional Spelling Champoin, 6/6/2012

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Offline Blicero

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Re: Rock-ola (mixmaster) M1 Carbine
« Reply #14 on: September 24, 2014, 10:35:11 PM »
Maybe it's the experimental 03 detachable Trench Mag!   rofl2
"I reject your suggestion."

"You would last about an hour in Charlotte before the police were called bc you were walking around outside with a bottle of scotch and a g43."
-Ty O

"I don't appreciate you showing Nazi images. My old lady's granddad died at Auschwitz."
"I'm sorry to hear that..."
"Yeah...he fell off a guard tower."
-You Know How I Get Thomas

Regional Spelling Champoin, 6/6/2012

"Why the hell does it look like you turned into some weird trendy libtard?"

Offline Dannyboy53

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Re: Rock-ola (mixmaster) M1 Carbine
« Reply #15 on: September 24, 2014, 10:41:13 PM »
Coin don't mess with me. You know I can't watch Youtube if I want my internet to load more than one page per hour for the next month.
Did he really peel off 9 rounds?

Yeah Blicero he did, but you see...thats a Springfield 1903A4(H). They have a larger cartridge capacity. The "H" stands for Hollywood model!

Offline Phosphorus32

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Re: Rock-ola (mixmaster) M1 Carbine
« Reply #16 on: September 24, 2014, 10:56:43 PM »
No, no, it's the Spring-enfield with a 10 round capacity  ???

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Re: Rock-ola (mixmaster) M1 Carbine
« Reply #17 on: September 25, 2014, 10:17:07 AM »
Nope...  its the left-handed model.  It aint right.    chuckles1
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Offline Phosphorus32

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Re: Rock-ola (mixmaster) M1 Carbine
« Reply #18 on: October 12, 2014, 07:37:08 PM »
Got out to the range today!  Beautiful sunny day and 70F.  A bit of wind but not too bad.

The M1 carbine is easy on the shoulder and I think it shoots well.  These are just at 25 yds but I had a lot of fun with it.

Last group at 25 yds

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Re: Rock-ola (mixmaster) M1 Carbine
« Reply #19 on: October 12, 2014, 07:39:13 PM »
Nice....   they definitely are fun, maybe too fun.     :)      Another rifle on my (must have) list.   :(
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