Author Topic: Tell me about my Navy blaster.  (Read 5256 times)

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Re: Tell me about my Navy blaster.
« Reply #20 on: October 14, 2021, 03:45:29 AM »
Very nice, Bird!  I agree with the Navy Arms SharpShooter ID. Val Forgett, Jr. was a master of sales. The series of SKS rifles he sold was notorious for being, well...however you wanted complete or basic as you wanted to spend. For you to pick yours up without the bipod isn't unusual. The early Navy Arms catalogs will reflect that. It's really nice that you got the transit case with the correct mount and scope. Yours is the mount with the locator pin to locate and retain position on the rail. Many are simply slip-on mounts with a tab riveted on the rail, (that many times got broke off during use), and the tab keeps the mount from slipping forward during firing. So yours is the best design, IMO.

I'm curious, do you have the clip and spring washer that retains the cinching bar for your mount? You have the mount separate from the cinching bar in your pic, is why I'm asking...

You may be able to match up a c-clip and spring washer if it's gotten away from you.

Very nice acquisition with the scope and case  8)

I have always held that the scope and mount weren't really too desirable.  They seem rather cheap.  But I have had the scope mounted on the rifle and it does improve my shooting out to certain distances. 

Being that this setup isn't one of Navy Arms marketed rifles, (Farmers Friend, Cowboy Companion, etc.) would the value diminished?

Hoping someone who is more savvy then me will chime in here, but I'm thinking this has a north of $1000 value as is. Find an OEM bipod and maybe $1500 (this based off of current market)

I agree with GG on this. Prices will always fluctuate with particular sets of buyers but right now those estimates are pretty accurate. I've seen prices for the mounts alone get crazy, and you have the better mount, again, IMO. Having the correct scope, front and rear rubber eye relief, mount, transit case, and all-matching rifle, (sans the non-numbered stock. But that's just how Navy Arms did it.), is ideal for Commercial collectors and would stand steady on any SKS collectors' auction.  thumb1

My rail is attached with two rivets that are flush on both sides.

I've seen them attached both with rivets and screws. The original furniture had a blade bayo slot filled in. Your rifle should say KSI Pomona on the right side. I've got 2 KSI Paratroopers, one HAD the rail and notched stock, the other didn't. PAX

Yep, my /156\ KSI "Rail To Nowhere" has the flush rivets, as well. They had some fairly nice stocks and even though they were notched for the scope mount, they kept the original numbered stock, unlike so many of the Navy Arms guns. All told, the /156\ arsenal guns were well finished guns almost to the /26\ and /416\ quality. It's a shame the correct mounts never made it here.

/156\ "Rail To Nowhere" stocks were the ones with the star previous to the SN...

Thanks for posting it up Bird!


Offline Bird

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Re: Tell me about my Navy blaster.
« Reply #21 on: October 14, 2021, 11:59:21 AM »

I'm curious, do you have the clip and spring washer that retains the cinching bar for your mount? You have the mount separate from the cinching bar in your pic, is why I'm asking...[/size

firstchoice, I do not have those pieces but I can find close replacements for them by looking at photos of the mounts that have them attached.

Thanks to everyone who has added to this thread!  This is exactly the reason that I signed into this forum.  This info is invaluable to me and it is all greatly appreciated.

Honestly, I came here to get the history and a close value of this piece because for the last several years I have considered selling it.  As you know from my "Introduction" post, this is the sole SKS in my possession...I am not a "Collector".  So, knowing what I know now concerning this rifle and scope, I am even more inclined to see it in the hands of a true collector of SKS rifles.

Also, as I stated in my intro, I am surrounded by some very knowledgeable folks that I am friends with and one of them has a very extensive military SKS collection.  He may, hopefully, have one of the bipods that he could be persuaded to let go.     thumb1
« Last Edit: October 14, 2021, 03:54:21 PM by Bird »

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Re: Tell me about my Navy blaster.
« Reply #22 on: October 14, 2021, 04:07:43 PM »
Both my KSI stocks are numbered to the rifles. KSI did the best job of neutering the FBS, very clean. PAX
« Last Edit: October 16, 2021, 11:33:59 AM by echo1 »
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Offline Bird

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Re: Tell me about my Navy blaster.
« Reply #23 on: October 16, 2021, 10:56:40 AM »
Would anyone happen to have a good picture of the clip and spring washer that retains the clinching bar that firstchoice is referring to?

I haven’t been able to find a picture anywhere online.

Offline firstchoice

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Re: Tell me about my Navy blaster.
« Reply #24 on: October 20, 2021, 05:02:33 AM »
Would anyone happen to have a good picture of the clip and spring washer that retains the clinching bar that firstchoice is referring to?

I haven’t been able to find a picture anywhere online.

This is the closest pic I can find in our Commercial scopes, mounts and rails... Sticky thread. It doesn't show a spring washer that I've seen used on similar mounts like those on AK's of various models. I'll look around and see if I can get you a better pic.

It does show the c-clip at a side view. Your local True Value hardware store could probably match the c-clip size to the mount stud. I don't know how much play you have after you get the c-clip on. If you get any "rocking" on the cinching bar, you could try various spring washers to get the right fit to snug it up.


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Re: Tell me about my Navy blaster.
« Reply #25 on: October 20, 2021, 08:43:34 AM »
Thanks firstchoice!  That's a pretty decent picture of the c-clip.  I work for a copier dealer in the service department and we see a lot of that type of clip used in office equipment.  I'll scrounge around in our hardware bins and probably be able to find a good fit.

Would the spring washer be installed just under the c-clip or underneath the lever?

Offline firstchoice

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Re: Tell me about my Navy blaster.
« Reply #26 on: October 21, 2021, 01:42:13 AM »
If you end up needing the spring washer, (and you may not), I'd think it would work better to put it under the c-clip to avoid raising the cinching bar off of the spline on the bolt. (not under the bar) Keep the bar on as much of the spline as is possible.

Try to find a c-clip that fits the groove snugly. (No room for the c-clip to slide up and down when installed.) You may not need a spring washer then. It's going to depend on your particular mount.

Not much help, I know. Hard to be more specific without seeing it and holding it in my hands. Hey, just send it to me and I'll take a good, L-O-N-G look at it!  chuckles1  I'll let you know how it comes out.   thumb1  chuckles1


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Re: Tell me about my Navy blaster.
« Reply #27 on: October 22, 2021, 11:18:55 AM »
Hey, just send it to me and I'll take a good, L-O-N-G look at it!  chuckles1  I'll let you know how it comes out.   thumb1  chuckles1 firstchoice


I would do that, firstchoice, but I got burned a long time ago and I learnt mah lesson.  I sent a rifle to some guy on the internet that I didn't know.  He said he would "look" at it for me.  He's been "looking" at my rifle for almost 12 years now and has never contacted me back.  I'm beginning to wonder if it was some kind of scam.  bat1

I did round up a few c-clips today and I'll see if any will work this evening...thanks!


Offline Bird

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Re: Tell me about my Navy blaster.
« Reply #28 on: November 02, 2023, 02:30:04 PM »
I put this rifle for sale in the Marketplace a few months ago and have reduced my price.  I am hoping that it will go to a good home here before selling it locally.