I'm curious, do you have the clip and spring washer that retains the cinching bar for your mount? You have the mount separate from the cinching bar in your pic, is why I'm asking...[/size
firstchoice, I do not have those pieces but I can find close replacements for them by looking at photos of the mounts that have them attached.
Thanks to everyone who has added to this thread! This is exactly the reason that I signed into this forum. This info is invaluable to me and it is all greatly appreciated.
Honestly, I came here to get the history and a close value of this piece because for the last several years I have considered selling it. As you know from my "Introduction" post, this is the sole SKS in my possession...I am not a "Collector". So, knowing what I know now concerning this rifle and scope, I am even more inclined to see it in the hands of a true collector of SKS rifles.
Also, as I stated in my intro, I am surrounded by some very knowledgeable folks that I am friends with and one of them has a very extensive military SKS collection. He may, hopefully, have one of the bipods that he could be persuaded to let go.