Here is your chance to earn the honorary title of (Jackalope Sniper) You are about to embark upon a great crusade, where jackalopes run rampant devouring everything in their path and YOU must take them out. What better way to test your marksmanship skills than to shoot for small groups at 100 yards with a 22LR ! Test your skills, test your rifle, test your ammunition and perhaps you could work your way up the (Jackalope Sniper) ladder. To advance the rules are simple.1: Must be 22LR
2: Must be 100 yards
3: Must have atleast 8 outta 10 in Class 1
4: Must have atleast 6 outta 10 in Class 2
5: Must have atleast 4 outta 10 in Class 3
6: Must provide picture of rifle & target
7: Must post info about your weapon.. ammo, scope, mods etc
8: Breaking the line is "in".
11 shots total...... 10 at the main target, and 1 at the head-shot (Class 1) Atleast 8 outta 10Master Gunnery Sgt. = qualify X3
First Sergeant. = qualify X2
Master Sergeant. = qualify X1
(Class 2) Atleast 6 outta 10
Gunnery Sgt. = qualify X3
Staff Sgt. = qualify X2
Sargent. = qualify X1
(Class 3) Atleast 4 outta 10Corporal. = qualify X3
Lance Cpl. = qualify X2
Private. = qualify X1
Shooters that nail the head-shot with a qualifying target will automatically advance to the top of their class. Once you make Corporal or Gunnery Sgt. you have to start shooting in the next class to advance. You can start in class 1, 2, or 3 ..... the choice is yours.
Every shooter that posts a qualifying target is a Jackalope Sniper!
Helpful knowledge:22lr bullet drop from a 50y zero: 1200 fps = -5.8" , 1100 fps = -6.8" , 1000 fps = -8.3"
100 yard 22lr average windage push: 2" at 5mph , 4" at 10mph etc
Sound barrier varies but usually stays around 1,100 FPS at sea level.
Download the PDF target by clicking on it below... If you have what it takes! Center circle should be 1.5" across, and you may have to select (fit to printable area) in your printing options.
List of Jackalope Snipers(Class 1)Master Gunny SlumberingBearMaster Gunny Power Surge(Class 2)(Class 3)A special thanks to my good friend Glen for drawing us such a fine jackalope worth shooting at.