Well I received my rifle today.
I think I did very well.
No rust of any kind, 100% bluing intacked.
All numbers Match, Receiver, Bolt & Bolt Carrier, Mag, trigger guard, Receiver cover, and the Stock.
Nice looking sling, cleaning kit is inside the buttstock.
I am liking this rifle more then I thought I would, it is like a new gun still has the grease or cosmaline inside, I can't wait to shoot it.
One of my good friends told me today he would of not bought my rifle because it was neutered and did not have the bayonet lug or a place for the cleaning rod, I told him that's funny because that's why I got it because it came from China that way. dance1
Is this rifle more rare then the more common Paratroopers ?
Will I hurt the value shooting it ?
I sincerely hope not because I'm gonna keep this one and any gun I keep I shoot.
