Author Topic: SKS rifles with AK-47 magazine capability  (Read 39769 times)

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Offline Justin Hell

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Re: SKS rifles with AK-47 magazine capability
« Reply #40 on: January 06, 2018, 12:47:34 PM »
I think I found out what the mystery stock is. I believe it is a variety of the SKS stocks Fajen made. If you google Fajen SKS and scroll through the pictures you will see one that strongly resembles it. Don't bother clicking on it because it leads you to the otherboards site of unlinked photos....but you can see a pretty good look on google, for some reason it is still visible.

From what I have seen they vary quite a bit from stock to stock. They are pretty rare.  I believe they might have dumped unfinished 'stock' on the market...they pop up every now and then, nobody knows who made them...I have a pretty good idea.   This one likely was one of the ones I saw sell years ago for not much, the owner probably did all the uneven whittling and put in his own crossbolt. (Another thing I have only seen Fajen wood stocks utilize) Then finished it.  Other than internally, it looks pretty nice with a gun in it. :)

The one mentioned on the otherboards sold for $115 shipped.

I believe Fajen joined up with these guys  There is a lengthy discussion about it over there...seems as if they might even still make these.I didn't want to read into it too much....missing photos bug me.

Mystery solved?  dntknw1

Offline LKermit

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Re: SKS rifles with AK-47 magazine capability
« Reply #41 on: January 06, 2018, 04:06:53 PM »

Is this it?  It does have some similarities, but without a look at the Fajen inletting work,I will say, No Cigar.  My side by side pics pretty much show the same tool marks and hand-cut wavy cuts as the standard Chinese carvers used, except the mass produced stocks and the thumb hole stocks were mostly much better quality.

Thanks for a very interesting angle and information.  I will follow up to see where it may lead.The very last thing I desire is to cheat or mislead anyone.

the v

Offline Justin Hell

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Re: SKS rifles with AK-47 magazine capability
« Reply #42 on: January 07, 2018, 11:21:02 AM »
Yep that's the one I saw that was the most similar.  They seemed to do a few different designs. My 49 actually had one the previous owner separated from it that was one of those rainbow stained types.

The reason I suspect it is one of theirs is the inletting, several similar to this, but not identical...have been sold in unfinished form...still needing inletting as well as finishing the wood. The Macon outfit that Fajen seems to have joined up with doesn't offer SKS stocks, I suspect there was some old stock that may have been sold off in bulk, or just a fire sale and a few made it into the wild. The beaver chew inletting on yours makes me think someone did the best they could with what they had to work with. I know I would have a tough time getting that inletting right.

The one in the google pic doesn't have the larger cheekrest, but it does have the Sporter type fat forend...and they all seem to use the crossbolt. The way yours looks doesn't seem to jive with China doing it. That crossbolt section is the roughest area...which is a crucial area for proper fitting. It seems as if they were going to go all out and make such a fancy version of a stock they were already making they would have  done at least a typical job on the inletting too.   

I suppose you could send the Macon guys photos and ask if Fajen remembers this type and/or if he suspects it is one of his.

Offline LKermit

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Re: SKS rifles with AK-47 magazine capability
« Reply #43 on: January 07, 2018, 06:53:23 PM »
Yep that's the one I saw that was the most similar.  They seemed to do a few different designs. My 49 actually had one the previous owner separated from it that was one of those rainbow stained types.

The reason I suspect it is one of theirs is the inletting, several similar to this, but not identical...have been sold in unfinished form...still needing inletting as well as finishing the wood. The Macon outfit that Fajen seems to have joined up with doesn't offer SKS stocks, I suspect there was some old stock that may have been sold off in bulk, or just a fire sale and a few made it into the wild. The beaver chew inletting on yours makes me think someone did the best they could with what they had to work with. I know I would have a tough time getting that inletting right.

The one in the google pic doesn't have the larger cheekrest, but it does have the Sporter type fat forend...and they all seem to use the crossbolt. The way yours looks doesn't seem to jive with China doing it. That crossbolt section is the roughest area...which is a crucial area for proper fitting. It seems as if they were going to go all out and make such a fancy version of a stock they were already making they would have  done at least a typical job on the inletting too.   

I suppose you could send the Macon guys photos and ask if Fajen remembers this type and/or if he suspects it is one of his.

Grrrrreat idea.  Will do so and share!


Offline LKermit

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Re: SKS rifles with AK-47 magazine capability
« Reply #44 on: January 08, 2018, 11:42:00 AM »
Justin, your tip was more productive than either one of us could have reasonably expected.

I made contact with a very nice man who, in the past has worked for both E. C. Bishop and Rhinehart Fajen.  He still works in Missouri, for yet another stock making company, and agreed to do an interview, and is available most any time.  He stated that both firms are currently owned by Larry Potterfield, and neither company is still in business.

I am planning a trip to Missouri in the next few weeks to pick up a rather large electric riser chair to aid my disability, so I might be able to meet up with someone who could do a proper, maybe even a video (!) interview.  If I am able to work out details, I would love to get this done.

The man seemed agreeable to do this, and was very friendly and affable.  I sent an e-mail early this morning, and he replied with a phone call within four hours of my dispatch.  I feel like he has all the details, and is itching to set them straight.  What a golden opportunity for the right person or persons.

If anyone would be available in the Harrisonville, Peculiar, or Belton Missouri area, please get in touch with me ASAP.  This is just too good to miss!  405-519-3352 or

A hop(e)ful Green Frog.

Offline Justin Hell

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Re: SKS rifles with AK-47 magazine capability
« Reply #45 on: January 09, 2018, 09:42:41 AM »
Glad I suggested it...hopefully that will pan out and we can learn a little. :)

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Re: SKS rifles with AK-47 magazine capability
« Reply #46 on: January 09, 2018, 10:36:39 PM »
Cool deal...

So, a fajen eh...    I saw one on ebay like 7 years ago that was a walnut and a completely different design.  I also recall it needing 'some' finishing inside and out. I wanted it badly at the time.  Cool stock!
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Offline Thor16

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Re: SKS rifles with AK-47 magazine capability
« Reply #47 on: April 10, 2018, 02:25:06 PM »
Add this to your photos

Offline Power Surge

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Re: SKS rifles with AK-47 magazine capability
« Reply #48 on: April 10, 2018, 07:50:41 PM »
Add this to your photos

Thanks Thor. Unfortunately that's just a bubba'd SKS-30.  :(

Offline Bacarnal

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Re: SKS rifles with AK-47 magazine capability
« Reply #49 on: May 06, 2020, 03:47:04 PM »
Since most of us seem to have a bit of time on our hands, looking through old posts has become common.  I am resurrecting this one because of my observations.

I was messing around with my Midwest Ordnance SKS "D" and found that I'd probably agree with the late XXXSKS that the "D" would be the one I went to for an SKS that takes AK47 mags.  Reasoning, the mag well is cut so as to take ALL AK47 mags, up to, and including Soviet/Chicom bakelite and US Magpul plastic which the others won't.  I have a wide variety of steel mags I've collected over the years, including 40 rounders, and they all fit.  And two 40 rounders are easier to carry than a 75 round drum.  Just my opinion.  Cheers, Bruce.

« Last Edit: May 07, 2020, 11:42:12 AM by Bacarnal »

Offline Larry D.

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Re: SKS rifles with AK-47 magazine capability
« Reply #50 on: May 07, 2020, 10:27:43 AM »
I gotta say, the (large) mag fed SKS does look pretty sexy.


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Offline Cupid

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Re: SKS rifles with AK-47 magazine capability
« Reply #51 on: September 19, 2020, 07:12:39 PM »
I have a D, it's ok  I suppose but I prefer a standard SKS ,it's much handier.


Online Phosphorus32

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Re: SKS rifles with AK-47 magazine capability
« Reply #52 on: September 19, 2020, 07:22:36 PM »
I have a D, it's ok  I suppose but I prefer a standard SKS ,it's much handier.

No doubt. With a 5 round mag capacity limit, running a removable 5 round mag that sticks out as far as a 30 round mag seems to have no value.

Offline Cupid

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Re: SKS rifles with AK-47 magazine capability
« Reply #53 on: September 19, 2020, 09:56:01 PM »
I have a D, it's ok  I suppose but I prefer a standard SKS ,it's much handier.

No doubt. With a 5 round mag capacity limit, running a removable 5 round mag that sticks out as far as a 30 round mag seems to have no value.

It has nothing to do with the mag limit, the mag limit is like a speed limit.    It's just a pita awkward thing to shoot from any position but standing.


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Re: SKS rifles with AK-47 magazine capability
« Reply #54 on: September 19, 2020, 10:12:48 PM »
I have a D, it's ok  I suppose but I prefer a standard SKS ,it's much handier.

No doubt. With a 5 round mag capacity limit, running a removable 5 round mag that sticks out as far as a 30 round mag seems to have no value.

It has nothing to do with the mag limit, the mag limit is like a speed limit.    It's just a pita awkward thing to shoot from any position but standing.


Okay, "running a removable x round mag that sticks out as far as a 30 round mag seems to have no value."

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Re: SKS rifles with AK-47 magazine capability
« Reply #55 on: September 23, 2020, 01:36:59 AM »
I have a D, it's ok  I suppose but I prefer a standard SKS ,it's much handier.

I like the "D"'s or "SKS-30's" for their designed use of AK mags. If I only need a 10rd capacity SKS then I agree with "any military or commercial std. capacity SKS will do".  As a crossover to high cap mags, (using the reliable and plentiful AK mag, combined with the reliability of the std. SKS), the original SKS-30 is hard to beat.

It's all in the "what you need at the time", I suppose. If you only need 10rds., slip in a 10rd detachable AK mag. and shoot bench rest all day. When you need more, use any of the very reliable and durable 20, 30, or 40rd. surplus mags. I like having that choice.  thumb1

Personally, I won't be modifying my SKS-30 stock to accept drum mags. But I have AK's/RPK's for that purpose.

Post up some pics of your "D", Cupid! Always interested to see pics of the "D"!


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Re: SKS rifles with AK-47 magazine capability
« Reply #56 on: September 26, 2020, 06:40:08 PM »
I have a D, it's ok  I suppose but I prefer a standard SKS ,it's much handier.

I like the "D"'s or "SKS-30's" for their designed use of AK mags. If I only need a 10rd capacity SKS then I agree with "any military or commercial std. capacity SKS will do".  As a crossover to high cap mags, (using the reliable and plentiful AK mag, combined with the reliability of the std. SKS), the original SKS-30 is hard to beat.

It's all in the "what you need at the time", I suppose. If you only need 10rds., slip in a 10rd detachable AK mag. and shoot bench rest all day. When you need more, use any of the very reliable and durable 20, 30, or 40rd. surplus mags. I like having that choice.  thumb1

Personally, I won't be modifying my SKS-30 stock to accept drum mags. But I have AK's/RPK's for that purpose.

Post up some pics of your "D", Cupid! Always interested to see pics of the "D"!


« Last Edit: September 26, 2020, 07:04:17 PM by Cupid »


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Re: SKS rifles with AK-47 magazine capability
« Reply #57 on: September 30, 2020, 04:45:00 AM »
I have a D, it's ok  I suppose but I prefer a standard SKS ,it's much handier.

I like the "D"'s or "SKS-30's" for their designed use of AK mags. If I only need a 10rd capacity SKS then I agree with "any military or commercial std. capacity SKS will do".  As a crossover to high cap mags, (using the reliable and plentiful AK mag, combined with the reliability of the std. SKS), the original SKS-30 is hard to beat.

It's all in the "what you need at the time", I suppose. If you only need 10rds., slip in a 10rd detachable AK mag. and shoot bench rest all day. When you need more, use any of the very reliable and durable 20, 30, or 40rd. surplus mags. I like having that choice.  thumb1

Personally, I won't be modifying my SKS-30 stock to accept drum mags. But I have AK's/RPK's for that purpose.

Post up some pics of your "D", Cupid! Always interested to see pics of the "D"!


Cupid, is it possible for you to post some clear close-up pics of the left side of the receiver? I'd like to see what arsenal it was made at and the general make-up of the Chinese characters, if any, and the layout and method of serial numbering of the Canadian "D". Thanks!  thumb1

Your "D" doesn't appear to have a riveted bayo lug or the removeable bayonet. (The special removable bayonet that came on all the 1988-imported "D"'s that came into the United States. They were actually named the "SKS-30" by the importer; Beta Arms.) And yours appears to be a short lug, threaded barrel instead of the new-mfg'd pinned barrel receivers on the USA imports. Stock finish is also different. I'd definitely like to see a complete layout of pics on your rifle.


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Re: SKS rifles with AK-47 magazine capability
« Reply #58 on: September 30, 2020, 10:39:40 AM »
There are no factory marks or Chinese characters. The bayonet screw is removable but peened to stop it coming unscrewed.   The look of the finish varies according to the light.

« Last Edit: September 30, 2020, 10:43:59 AM by Cupid »


Offline Justin Hell

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Re: SKS rifles with AK-47 magazine capability
« Reply #59 on: September 30, 2020, 11:00:11 AM »
Didn't, a few years back, we determine that these were indeed oddly built using pinned barrels inside a threaded sleeve?  It seems like they may have used NOS parts and built them for somebody's market...and they ended up in Canada?
I could be completely insane...but I could swear I remember that.