I'll add a few more Norinco made....

This list is just mostly rimfires that can be found.. Just a pile of stuff I gathered while researching my bunch of Norinco rimfire rifles.
NOTE: other model numbers do exist based on importer. Most are still in current production today.
JW-103/JW-105- Center fire Mauser style bolt actions - 7.62x39/.223 Rem... Made at 396 State Factory, pretty close to the Cz527, can also be found with JING AN and EM331 model number
JW-8 bolt action.. .22 lr, typically shown as a Chinese training rifle, BRNO 1 copy, There is also a single shot variant, an older one from the late '50s that can be found, typically also usually stamped as a JW-8
JW-9 bolt action.. a target version of the JW-8, stock is more suited for target shooting due to sling rails, hooded front sight
JW-14, semi automatic .22 hunting rifle - copy of the ARMSCOR / Squires Bingham SB20, Can use a Marlin 70 or Marlin 25n magazines with a little work.
JW-15, bolt action .22 hunting rifles, close copy of the BRNO model 2. Can use Cz452-455 magazines with a little work. There is also a JW-15A.
JW-20, Semi automatic .22 takedown hunting rifle, close copy of the Browning takedown or SA-22
JW-21, Lever action .22 hunting rifle.. copy of the Winchester 9422 Legacy
JW-23, bolt action, same features as the JW-15...but in .22WMR.
JW-25, or TU-KKW, bolt action .22 training/hunting rifle, variant of the JW-15, stock patterned after the Geman Mauser KKW.. same magazine as the JW-15
JW-25a, or TU-33/40, bolt action .22 training/hunting rifle, variant of the JW-15, Stock patterned after G33/40, .. same magazine as the JW-15
JW-27, bolt action .22 hunting rifle. Variant of the JW-15 with a 2-piece stock, Looks almost like a MAS 36.. same magazine as the JW-15
TT Olympia, .22 target pistol, Copy of a Walther M1936 Olympia II, the Walther was a 5x gold medal winning pistol in the '36 Berlin Olympics, also been seen in .22WMR