Author Topic: Tavor 7, Israeli Door Kicker  (Read 6290 times)

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Re: Tavor 7, Israeli Door Kicker
« Reply #20 on: December 19, 2020, 07:30:52 AM »
I like that, Phos!  I'd never been much impressed with the bullpup design. I suppose it may have been all the do-it-yourself bullpup "creations" I'd seen in the past years that turned me off towards them. But I like this one! I like IWI weapons anyway. UZI's always had my attention. This Tavor looks like it's well made and finish looks tight all around.

Does the butt stock adjust for length at all? It doesn't look like it would, but I've never held one, so I don't know.  dntknw1

Does it use a Tavor-only magazine or are they interchangeable with any other 7.62x51 magazine? How's magazine cost and availability?

Thanks for posting this up, Phos!  I've been eyeing another Model A UZI, so It'll be a while before getting "the next one" after the UZI. We'll see...

Laugh, the grand poobah of enablers and primary founder says I need a Mosin Nagant!!?!?  rofl2
I need a Mosin like I need a hole in the head!

A Henry Big Boy in .357 Magnum though... think1 lalala doh1

I want one in 45 Colt.

I want a Henry in .357 magnum, too. I bought my wife a S&W Model 656 .357 mag when we first got together. I need to get "her" a matching rifle, caliber-wise, right?  ;)  :)  thumb1  I just know that down deep, somewhere, she really wants a Henry!  chuckles1  :)   I know I do!   chuckles1


Offline Phosphorus32

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Re: Tavor 7, Israeli Door Kicker
« Reply #21 on: December 19, 2020, 08:20:38 AM »
Thanks FC!

The stock length isn’t adjustable. I’m 5’11” and I find it comfortable. As a bullpup, it definitely has a different feel to it.

The magazines are cheap, reliable and readily available Magpuls designed to fit the AR-10 family of rifles.

Offline hoopharted

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Re: Tavor 7, Israeli Door Kicker
« Reply #22 on: December 27, 2020, 08:34:30 PM »
that thing is sweet , i just scored some south african R1M1 [insert evil laugh here]
There are going to be two types of people in this world , those without toilet paper , and those with plenty of ammo to protect their toilet paper

Offline Phosphorus32

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Re: Tavor 7, Israeli Door Kicker
« Reply #23 on: December 28, 2020, 03:38:50 AM »
that thing is sweet , i just scored some south african R1M1 [insert evil laugh here]


Good score, that’s a variety of 7.62 NATO that I don’t have. I did find a couple of different lot numbers of M118 at an LGS last week, so I grabbed 8 boxes of each.

Offline hoopharted

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Re: Tavor 7, Israeli Door Kicker
« Reply #24 on: December 28, 2020, 06:25:17 AM »
i hear ya , ive been on a mission grabbing everything i could find , so i was elated to cross paths with 3 battle packs of the SA
There are going to be two types of people in this world , those without toilet paper , and those with plenty of ammo to protect their toilet paper

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Re: Tavor 7, Israeli Door Kicker
« Reply #25 on: January 02, 2024, 08:26:00 AM »
I am not a bullpup fan, too old to learn something new

Offline 1mlt

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Re: Tavor 7, Israeli Door Kicker
« Reply #26 on: January 02, 2024, 12:57:58 PM »
Not trying to change the subject here, (BUT), isn't the Ruger Ranch in 5.56x55 IDENTICAL (in bullet size/caliber/power/etc? BUT, the Ruger is legal while the AR15 is considered an "Assault Rile". I guess the law makers still think "AR15" means "(A)ssault (R)ifle? Aren't they familiar with "ArmaLite" brand? Or, are they still hooked on "it's a mean, scary looking gun. And should banned".
/ (ˈɑːməlaɪt) / noun. trademark a lightweight high-velocity rifle of various calibres, capable of automatic and semiautomatic operation.
There is but one language in the USA, English.
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Offline Phosphorus32

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Re: Tavor 7, Israeli Door Kicker
« Reply #27 on: January 03, 2024, 12:29:21 PM »
Not trying to change the subject here, (BUT), isn't the Ruger Ranch in 5.56x55 IDENTICAL (in bullet size/caliber/power/etc? BUT, the Ruger is legal while the AR15 is considered an "Assault Rile". I guess the law makers still think "AR15" means "(A)ssault (R)ifle? Aren't they familiar with "ArmaLite" brand? Or, are they still hooked on "it's a mean, scary looking gun. And should banned".
/ (ˈɑːməlaɪt) / noun. trademark a lightweight high-velocity rifle of various calibres, capable of automatic and semiautomatic operation.

The Ruger Ranch is a bolt action rifle available in 5.56x45mm but I’m guessing you meant the Ruger Mini 14 which is also chambered in 5.56 and is semiautomatic. The “assault weapons” bans now in effect in 10 of the 50 states all vary. I’m most familiar with Washington State’s AWB, which is similar to California’s, but worse in many ways. There is a list of 62 specifically named firearms and then a long list of features. Some models of the Ruger Mini 14 and Mini 30 (7.62x39) would still be available for legal purchase under the current AWB language. No, it clearly is not logical  rofl

My purchase of the Tavor 7 occurred a couple of years before our AWB but I purchased many other SA rifles before April 25, 2023.

A federal AWB doesn’t stand a chance right now with the divided control of our bicameral legislature. I’m encouraged by the latest ruling by Judge Benitez in District Court against the CA AWB as being unconstitutional. I’m expecting the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals to overturn that, and hopefully SCOTUS will take it up and side with Benitez in ruling it unconstitutional. That would be a landmark case and would overturn the WA AWB since it is even more restrictive.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2024, 12:36:15 PM by Phosphorus32 »