I just pulled some random boxes apart and (most) of them have about a 0.010 under the straight edge. I don't think thats enough to cause so much failure. There are some very close too flush but the majority are a pinch recessed. I went and looked at some Tula I have and some Red Army, all are in the same ball park from what I can see. I'm gonna shoot a box of Red Army today, then a Box of the GO stuff to see what happens from the same gun. I have a Russian SKS that "MURDERS" the primers . We'll see how that goes
Laugh, thanks for the investigative work. Sounds like it's just hard or possibly substandard primers.
You might hit up Sam over at SGAmmo (sales@sgammo.com) and simply let him know your experience. Worst case he takes down your purchase info along with other people that might also be having similar problems and traces it to a certain shipment or lot. Best case perhaps a recall is issued and you get a new batch of ammo to replace the defective stuff. Failure to fire in a surplus military carbine with new ammo is simply unacceptable in my book. In a homebuilt AR using Wolf ammo with known hard primers and the AR having a weak hammer spring....yeah I could see that, but it should *never* happen 14 times out of 100 in a stock SKS, much less 3 of them!!
Heck Sam's the kind of guy that will try and make it right if you wanted to push for him to swap this stuff with something you know will work like Brown Bear, Wolf, Tula, or Golden Tiger (If he even has anymore of that stuff, getting harder to find by the day as stocks dwindle and imports are still barred.), that might be another avenue as well.