Is this packed loose on stripper clips or in boxes? If in boxes it usually says on the box. If it is old Viet Nam era ammo then it is corrosive. If it is newer "commercial import" then it is possibly non-corrosive. Pics would help if you can get them. As to value, depending on what exactly it is, it could have collector value even beyond current prices. On standard TULA etc. pre-panic pricing was about $0.25/rnd or $5/20rnd box. Just saw the same stuff "on sale" today for $369.99 + shipping for 1k rounds so that's $0.38-$0.40/rnd or $7.60-$8/20rnd box. It goes up from there. I've seen collectors pay $2/rnd for some Nam era ammo just to have the sample box in there collection.