That stock looks like a classic Westrifle refinish to me though I don't recognize that mag rivet as being Westrifle. Receiver cover looks heavily ground and restamped, I don't believe it to be original to the gun.
Form the feature list, we can narrow it down a bit:
Gas tube takedown lever is early '54 or earlier
Receiver cover takedown lever is '50 or later.
Bolt is '51 or later.
Gas block is '52 or later.
Receiver round is mid '52 or later.
Enveloping these leads me to think it's a mid-'52 to early-'54.
P32 is correct with the OT prefix, it doesn't help as there is only one single other OT entry in the database. Interestingly enough, it also has a blank receiver cover though it has the 1st GRAU stamp on it:

In general, we have relatively very few '53's in the database compared to '52s and '54s, good likelihood that it is a '53 from the lack of other examples.