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Question on a Sporter SKS
« on: June 30, 2023, 03:34:32 PM »
Looking at getting an SKS Sporter (the one like an M) project. This will be my first venture into an actual project of this flavor of commercial SKS. I had an MC-5D before, but it was complete and I sold it because I didn't like the FCG to mag lock up configuration.
It is currently in an old Combat exchange folder with out the metal mag-well liner. The stock is okay, but missing the folding butt section, which isn't a problem for me since I can make my own setup with AR parts like the other one I made a thread about here.
My questions, for those in the know, pertain to the magazines; If I stick with the current stock (so no mag-well liner or, maybe make a custom one) which mags will work? Thinking too, I may make a block of plastic to epoxy into the duckbill cavity area.
Also, if I find an original 'M' Monte Carlo stock will the list of mag brands/Country of Origin change?

I have retail sources for Magpul, Korean (SHK/KCI) at good prices as well as a variety of surplus on GunBroker, AK-Files, and other vendors. What I don't see much of are Chinese mags and when I do see them there are variances and they are not cheap. (usually)

Anyway, thought to ask before I take this on. TIA
My Avatar is a pic of the real "Ghost" SKS in honor of xxxsks(joe). It is a pic of a fully decked out SKS in Capco hunter's kit. This was mine, the only other pic I had ever seen of one was Joe's.

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Re: Question on a Sporter SKS
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2023, 03:59:59 PM »
I did find an older thread on the topic that gave me some good info, but still feel free to chime in if you want.
My Avatar is a pic of the real "Ghost" SKS in honor of xxxsks(joe). It is a pic of a fully decked out SKS in Capco hunter's kit. This was mine, the only other pic I had ever seen of one was Joe's.

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Re: Question on a Sporter SKS
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2023, 05:28:22 PM »
IIRC, my G9 will run in that rifle using regular unmodified AR15 mags. You don't need the magwell block as the G9 replaces it. Also mods to the stock itself are minimal. Don't remember if the BHO works or not with my setup. I've slept had a glass of red wine since then. We have a new G9 prototype in polymer. Needs testing yet, but looks promising. You won't be able to go "Rambo" with a 40 round mag ... Polymer is not as durable as aluminum.
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Offline Greatguns

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Re: Question on a Sporter SKS
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2023, 06:15:15 PM »
IIRC, my G9 will run in that rifle using regular unmodified AR15 mags. You don't need the magwell block as the G9 replaces it. Also mods to the stock itself are minimal. Don't remember if the BHO works or not with my setup. I've slept had a glass of red wine since then. We have a new G9 prototype in polymer. Needs testing yet, but looks promising. You won't be able to go "Rambo" with a 40 round mag ... Polymer is not as durable as aluminum.

Well, that's certainly something to think about. Guess I gotta get the Sporter first. I did find a de-milled kit on GB that has everything I need to restore it to "As Imported" if I want. If I do get it I could at least use it as a test rifle for you if you need. I'll keep you posted.
My Avatar is a pic of the real "Ghost" SKS in honor of xxxsks(joe). It is a pic of a fully decked out SKS in Capco hunter's kit. This was mine, the only other pic I had ever seen of one was Joe's.

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Re: Question on a Sporter SKS
« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2023, 08:53:35 AM »
Sporter stocks pop up on eBay with regularity.  Price is always the wildcard as I’ve seen them listed for outrageous prices. People pay it though.

The magwell liner is an interesting beast. It helps shim up the magazine to help with the fitment, but guys have gotten mags to ‘work’ without it.  The set up is a bit wobbly and/or needs a little nudge to align feed lips at times and definitely are more problematic to get a good lock up.  (Not to say that the factory set up is 100% bullet proof, any conversion is hit or miss depending on the robustness of the design and quality of the work.). Not sure which magazines work best in them. I’d assume Chinese but I’m sure there’s others out there that will work just as well.

Good luck with it if you decide to pull the trigger!  thumb1

For whatever reason, I’ve never been drawn to the AK mag SKSs. They are neat in a gee-whiz sort of way but the price premium always puts me off.  dntknw1


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Re: Question on a Sporter SKS
« Reply #5 on: July 01, 2023, 11:16:58 AM »
From the ones I've owned, SKS Sporter and SKS 30's, all have had the mag well liner.  I converted a standard stock at one time to fit a 16" Sporter.  It's somewhere here in the Files.  I used a tight grain pine (looked a lot like chu wood) to fit the usual space in front of the mag well and stained/sealed it to match.  I fitted the mag well liner in.
From my experience with the '30's and Sporters, mags are sometimes difficult to get to work or seat.  Chinese mags work the best, Czech or Romanian are iffy (some do, some don't) , Korean are usually very tight.  Magpul and Soviet Bakelite don't work at all in anything other than a MD SKS-D (which takes about any mag).  Hope this helps.

Offline Greatguns

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Re: Question on a Sporter SKS
« Reply #6 on: July 01, 2023, 12:37:34 PM »
Thanks for the input guys.

BTW, I did win the Sporter and have a de-milled Sporter kit on GB I'm going to try and pick up as well. Hopefully the parts kit doesn't go too high on me.
My Avatar is a pic of the real "Ghost" SKS in honor of xxxsks(joe). It is a pic of a fully decked out SKS in Capco hunter's kit. This was mine, the only other pic I had ever seen of one was Joe's.

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Re: Question on a Sporter SKS
« Reply #7 on: August 13, 2023, 03:41:43 AM »
Hey GG!

  Just ran across this thread and wanted to ask how it turned out?

  I've owned many of the Chinese AK-mag conversion models, (the "M", "SPORTER", "63" "NR", and the "MC-5D") And I've seen the "93", the "MidwestOrdnance SKS-D", and their features. I've never ran across the "KS-30", so I can't attest to it's features. Very few numbers of the KS-30 were ever documented and the one small importer of the 1989-imported KS-30 may have just "borrowed" part of the 1988-imported BETA ARMS' "SKS-30" designation assigned to their imports.  dntknw1  I think importers were grasping for labels for the new models flowing into the country, so who knows for sure?

  I never cared for the thumb hole stocks, in general. But out of the three types I've owned, the one on the "NR" was ergonomically most comfortable for me. Results could vary for you.

  If you can find the original "M" or the "MC-5D" Monte Carlo stock, I think you'd be most happy with that type. But, as always, just my opinion.

  I have an "M" that I like to shoot, along with a BETA ARMS SKS-30. For me, the Chinese mags work great, (5rd, 10rd, 30rd, 40rd), as well as the Hungarian 20rd "Tanker" mags. (ease of insertion, lock-up, and feed reliability) The European mags,--metal, polymer, or bakelites--, are a crapshoot for fit and function. (speaking of use in the Chinese AK-mag conversion guns, of course) The Hungarian 20rd mag just works for me. I've always been of the mind, if it's a *****-manufactured weapon, use *****-manufactured magazines that were made to use in them. Why mix and try to match? Again, these are just my own observations and opinions.

  As an afterthought, I have Chinese /66\ AK Bakelite mags but never tried using them in my M or SKS-30. I'll have to see if they fit and work.  thumb1

  One thing I will have to disagree on with the Weebly site is the assertion that the metal magazine insert for the AK-mag conversion guns is "Purely Aesthetics". It DOES aid in the faster insertion and lock-up of the mag. It guides the mag, and reinforces the wood stock. I think it's critical to the conversion itself and without it would have been a failure as a mass-produced commercial product.
