After 7.5 years of collecting the SKS, I've finally filled the 8th and final country slot in my collection. In my case, the 8th slot is the DDR (Deutsche Demokratische Republik) Karabiner-S (Karabiner-Simonow: Carbine-Simonov). This one, made a year before I was born, was worth the wait.

For those of you who have held and admired the finish on East German Makarovs, with their high polish and deep bluish black finish, you would recognize the same finish on the East German Karabiner-S. This one must have barely made it down the Ho Chi Minh Trail before it was captured, because it's in excellent condition. The laminated beech stock and solid beech handguard are distinctive, especially with the German style rear sling slot, lack of a cleaning rod and cleaning kit hole.
I've taken pictures of all of the markings I observed. It has 12/12 matching serial numbers that are found on the: receiver, bolt carrier, bolt, extractor, receiver cover, magazine, trigger group, stock, gas tube, gas piston, rear sight leaf and rear sight slider. I think the MfNV: Ministerium für Nationale Verteidigung (Ministry of National Defense) marking is perhaps the next most interesting marking.
This one has been observed before, so no new addition to the serial list, but it's new to me! Thanks for looking.